ana-cartography …

An exhibition and co art-design sprint.

6-10 September 2023
Cromwell Place
Cromwell Place 4
London SW7 2JE

Ana-Cartography … (none of the above) brings together group research from international artists and researchers at the Royal College of Art in London. As a collective this group has been driven by two parallel research concerns: the manifestation and interpretations of alternative Artificial and Distributed Intelligence Systems and the role of Storytelling within AI Real-World Narratives. This exhibition explores the rhythms and possibilities presented by methods that oscillate between narratives of the ‘not-knowing’ (continual artistic/human becoming) and ‘unthought’ (the cognitive assemblages beyond human consciousness).

The exhibition, and attached event, brings together their research, repositioning and challenging contemporary debate surrounding AI. Seeking new poetics, meanings, understanding and uses of artificial and distributed intelligences. Evidencing a multimodal and interdisciplinary approach the exhibition brings together objects, image and sound practices to explore and make demands of our enmeshment with technology. As a group we demand ‘None of the Above’ and call for a joyous reclamation of the future through the creation of a multiplicity of alternative imaginaries (AI).

Artists: Sonia Bernac, Jonathan Boyd, Johnny Golding, Jeremy Keenan, Matt Lewis, Manu Luksch, Mukul Patel, Maggie Roberts, Tom Simmons, Dario Srbic, Shira Wachsmann, John Wild




topologies of the real